Surcharge for the states of Indiana, Kentucky, and Virginia is computed in addition to the tax. Quickly generate your IFTA report & keep track of fuel purchases and miles traveled by state with ExpressIFTA. Click the Show Results button, the Print. S. 31 more rows. Fourth Quarter 2021 Fuel Tax Rates (MCRT/IFTA) Note: U. Kentucky's Temporary Fuel permit is issued in place of IFTA licensing to travel within the state. Through IFTA, member jurisdictions act cooperatively to collect and administer taxes related to motor fuel usage. View the Changes to the Matrix . two axles with a gross vehicle weight or registered weight in excess of 26,000 pounds;. 334. D) in Kentucky x rate. 47 cents per gallon, followed by Pennsylvania. The International Fuel Tax Agreement (or IFTA) is an agreement between the lower 48 states of the United States and the Canadian provinces,. California pumps out the highest tax rate of 62. com (704)234-6005Fuel Tax Owed for [State/Prov. The following items should be considered when renewing: IFTA Tax returns/payments must be current through the 3rd. 77 cents per gallon, followed by Missouri (17. 2400; Michigan. When using bulk storage, report only gallons removed for use in your qualified motor vehicles. July 1 begins the filing period f or 2Q23 KYU and IFTA. Those filers who wish to make a payment via ACH Credit mustThe penalty is $50, or ten percent of the total net tax due with your return, whichever is more. 7 cpg), Illinois (52. All you need to do is submit completed trip and fuel purchase data, and we’ll prepare your quarterly IFTA return. 7526. June 30, 2018). 8:00 am - 8:00 pm - Wednesdays. 2460 0. 0348. ] — Paid [State/Prov. 234. Email Address. S. Motor Carrier Connect To get started processing Kentucky IFTA Online, you will need: Internet Access. Be sure to file the appropriate return (s) in July to avoid a $500 revocation penalty. Commercial drivers. 0285 (2. Kentucky Truck Tax Information 2685 Celanese Road, Suite 100, Rock Hill, SC 29732. View the Changes to the Matrix . Learn how-to Register for an IFTA Account. Motor Carrier Operations (IRP/IFTA) 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. No. You will use the results from Step 4. After receiving your login credentials, login to file your monthly fuel tax report by either entering information directly on the website, or by submitting an EDI file. Only those EDI files using nationally accepted standards will be. 2460 [email protected]. Distributor Reporting Internet and EDI. [email protected](3) establishes the fuel tax, surtax, and Kentucky Weight Distance Tax (KYU). 0434: 0. Purchased Gallons: Enter the total gallons of fuel purchased (whole gallons only) tax paid in each IFTA jurisdiction. 33 per gallon of gasoline, consumed by a carrier in its operations on highways in Indiana. You cannot pay for KYU on your IFTA tax form. Note: An Kentucky IFTA fuel tax report must be filed even if no fuel was used. International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) - Fuel Tax Computation Schedules, Return, Application, Bond and Record Keeping Requirements. ORG AND CLICK ON TAX RATES. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) $0. More information to come. have three or more axles regardless of weight or. Refer to. Under IFTA, you are required to file quarterly fuel tax returns with your base jurisdiction, showing all miles traveled and all fuel consumed during the quarter by qualified vehicles, including the miles traveled and fuel consumed in each IFTA jurisdiction. The following IFTA documents prepared and adopted by the membership of the International Fuel Tax Association shall govern the administration of Kentucky's collection of the taxes imposed by KRS 138. IFTA Single-Trip Fuel Use Tax Permit . Kentucky Intrastate Tax (KIT Fuel) Temporary Permit. 2609 $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $-The International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is an agreement among the United States and Canadian provinces to simplify the reporting of fuel used by interstate/inter-jurisdictional motor carriers. And the IFTA vehicle has at least. Tax Rate: $0. Home Currently selected; News/Events. (b) A KIT licensee shall be mailed the Highway Quarterly Tax Return, TC Form 95-103. KRS 138. The current quarter is 3Q2023. Last updated on: 7/18/23 by KENTUCKY. Title: Posted: Click Here to Register: 06/21/2022: AR-20/40 | Close or Update Account(s) 06/21/2022: Dyed [email protected]. 0357. International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) U. KYU is a tax license issued for all carriers. 0154 212 . Total Non-IFTA Miles: For each fuel type, include total miles traveled in non-IFTA jurisdictions by all. Bennett said the current base. You MUST use the new format. IFTA Filing Instructions for the Ohio Business Gateway: How To File an IFTA Return and Payment. Password Forgot/Reset Password?IFTA Manuals. complete quarterly tax returns to determine how much fuel surtax is owed after deducting credits for fuel purchased in the state. Once your document form has been processed, any net tax or refund that is due to you will be determined. 0185: 0. KYU however, is a. a fuel tax return must be completed using the $0. E-file your 2290 taxes, too! Visit our sister site 2290tax. Citizen (or) Business Partner Sign In. Effective: July 15, 1996File your return online on the Georgia Tax Center (GTC). Our tax calculation, auto IFTA report updates, helps to generate reports accurately. Fuel Fuel Fuel Exemptions. 18. Title:Fuel tax information guide for interjurisdictional carriers based in Nova Scotia: tax guide 2013. They are responsible for collecting and disbursing your taxes to all member jurisdictions on your route. English Español. a fuel tax return must be completed using the $0. File Form IFTA-21, New York State International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Application . Indiana, Kentucky and Virginia. Our advice is, contact DOT Operating Authority professionals at (888) 669-4383 and seek help registering for IFTA. 0285) per mile. Fill Out The Kit Or Ifta Fuel License Renewal - Kentucky Online And Print It Out For Free. KY). English Español. Avoid IFTA Audit by preparing IFTA document. 0154 212 . KY Kentucky 0. 99;International Fuel Tax Agreement. 2160 0. To locate the proper website for your base jurisdiction and inquiries click on this button. Motor Fuels Taxes consist of taxes on gasoline, liquefied petroleum, and special fuels (all combustible gases and liquids. 102 . gov; Weather Related Road Closures. 3. This website cannot help you file a quarterly tax return or if you operate within the trucking industry and have questions for your base jurisdiction. STEP 1: Login and Access. International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) July 1 begins the filing period for 2 Q23 KYU and IFTA. Box 17087 Denver, CO 80217-0087. ALL IFTA TAX RATES. 2. Instructions for Form IFTA-101-MN IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Schedule IFTA-101-I-MN A separateForm IFTA-101-MN must be used for each fuel type. International Fuel Tax Agreement ? [ Step 3. 0348 99 . What is a Kentucky Intrastate Tax (KIT Fuel) temporary permit? Q. KRS 138. You can use this online resource to file quarterly IFTA returns, order IFTA or Intrastate credentials (license and decals) and remit payments. However,. Welcome - Department of RevenueInternational Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is required to file, on a quarterly basis Form IFTA-100, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return, and Form IFTA-101, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Schedule for each fuel type. 044 . 7 cents. 2941 - 0. With the 1st quarter of 2021 complete, avoid these common errors on your next IFTA return — which is due by April 30, 2021. Jet Fuel $0. 2460KENTUCKY (KY) (Surcharge)U. /Canadian Exchange rate - 1. Online application to prepare and file IFTA, Quarterly Fuel Tax return for Georgia (GA) State with ExpressIFTA. Purchased Gallons: Enter the total gallons of fuel purchased (whole gallons only) tax paid in each IFTA jurisdiction. Under this agreement, a quarterly fuel use tax return is filed with the base jurisdiction. The Dashboard will default to the “New Transaction” tab. 3120; Maryland. Fuel Tax System help you to fill your Kentucky Weight Distance Tax declaration as well as your IFTA tax report. Simplify IFTA reporting with Motive. Liquefied Petroleum - 28. The system was designed to provide motor carriers with a single source for all their fuel tax reporting in Indiana. [email protected]. 20 per gallon until June 30, 2017. Renewing your Kentucky IFTA License . Kentucky Administrative Regulations, Title 601 - TRANSPORTATION CABINET - DEPARTMENT OF VEHICLE REGULATION, Chapter 1 - Motor Carriers, Section 601 KAR 1:200 - Administration of taxes imposed in KRS 138. S. The quarterly fuel use tax return reflects miles traveled, fuel purchased, and taxes/credits due in each. Exempt from medical certificate (intrastate). The Division of Motor Carriers is here to assist you. Download Printable Form Tc95-623 In Pdf - The Latest Version Applicable For 2023. Location Washington, DCReturn to Previous Page. $0. What is a Non-Reciprocal (IRP) temporary permit?. [email protected]. 2023 Annual IFTA Business Meeting Date . S. S. AB- Fuel Tax Relief Notification Letter: 03/14/23: FL- 1Q2023 Fuel Tax Rate Error: 03/01/23: IN Feb 23 Decal Update: 03/01/23: IN Decal Memo: 02/09/23: TX. 7 cents; Liquefied Petroleum - 28. 7291International Fuel Tax Agreement IFTA. are used in combination, when the combined weight is. EventHandler. Email Address:*. IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return File this return even if there is no tax due. From July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023, the Special Fuel tax rate is $0. International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Audit Manual (link will. 2460 0. 4167% per month. After your equipment are set up, you can run Reports. The licensee’s base jurisdiction will be the administrator of this agreement and execute all the. 55 per gallon of special fuel or alternative fuel, and $0. Get an Kentucky 7-Day ISP and IFTA Permit Now – Kentucky (KY) Trucking Permits. Technical support and answers to common technical questions are available here. IFTA filers using the paper form IFTA-101, should report tax-free fuel gallons purchased in Maryland from 3/18/22 through 4/16/22 in Column (D) Total Gallons, but. S. 015 210 . S states except Alaska and Hawaii and most of the provinces/territories of Canada. Phone: 704. The purpose is to establish and maintain the concept of one fuel use license for carriers operating qualified motor vehicles interstate. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported in May 2011 that truck drivers, heavy, tractor-trailer and light, delivery drivers, held. Combined Business Tax Forms. The bottom line is that you actually save 11 cents a gallon purchasing the fuel in Illinois versus Missouri. Select End Date in the drop-down calendar (i. (819) 472-9333 | Toll free: 1 888 275-2220. The base jurisdiction will be processing the license application. 102 . 4. FTA Midwest Region (Tentative) April 7-10. It’s for fuel tax and surtax when operating an interstate vehicle in Kentucky. HUT/IFTA APPLICATION DEPOSIT UNIT. Tax Rate Changes ALL QUARTERLY REPORTED IFTA TAX RATE CHANGES. After calculating the tax for these jurisdictions, on the. If you need assistance with completing any of the forms below, visit the Division of Motor Carriers homepage for contact information. The base jurisdiction will also send you two decals for each qualified motor vehicle that you have. You must file an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Return (SCDMV Form IFTA-3) with Motor Carrier Services (MCS) that includes your travel and fuel purchases for the quarter. 2160 0. Q. For all other fuel types refer to Form IFTA-105. This makes the administration of motor fuels taxation uniform concerning motor carriers operating in several member jurisdictions. Users must have an IFTA account with Taxation prior to filing returns via the Gateway. Abstract RSF 138, IFTA Auditing Methods and Fuel Tax Assessment Impacts Kentucky’s annual IFTA revenues represent a significant amount of revenue which is used to build, repair and maintain Kentucky’s highway infrastructure. gov ) or call (502-564-1257). IFTA-101-I-MN (5/13) column J to determine the total taxable gallons of fuel consumed in each IFTA jurisdiction. 79 cpg). Sign in with your Kentucky Online Gateway Account. Please call 1-800-253-5506, ext.